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Wer wir sind / Wo wir sind / Was wir tun

Hier erfahren Sie, wer wir sind, wie Willerby und Swanland entstanden sind,  und was unsere Ziele und Werte sind, um sicherzustellen, dass Patienten in Partnerschaft mit uns die beste Gesundheitsversorgung in Anspruch nehmen können.

Sehen Sie, wer in unserem klinischen Team ist und Details  des Mitarbeiterteams, das sie unterstützt. 

Informieren Sie sich über unsere  Praxisgrenze, unsere Räumlichkeiten, Parkinformationen und die von uns angebotenen Dienstleistungen.

Verwenden Sie die folgenden Schaltflächen, um in diesem Abschnitt zu navigieren:

     Wo wir sind            Medizinstudenten           Wenn wir geschlossen haben         Triff das Team

Where we are                   Medical Students                 When we are Closed             Meet the Team



Unsere Geschichte



Unsere Geschichte

Originally based in Hessle, Willerby Surgery has existed as a partnership for more than 100 years - originally with only a small branch surgery in Willerby run from two houses (8-10 Main Street)

As the populations of both towns expanded the branch surgery grew and in time the then partners began to focus more and more in the Willerby area until, eventually, the branch surgery became too small for the numbers of patients and the doctors sought new premises.

The previous building at 45 Main Street was built in the early 1980’s on unused land purchased from Willerby & Kirk Ella Working Men's Club. Extensive alterations were carried out to the original building within about 5 years into what is now the current building.


The partnership agreed in 1985 to move from Hessle and establish their main practice in Willerby.

In 2013 the partners joined with the single-handed GP at Swanland to maintain services there - and in 2014/15 the two surgeries merged into a single partnership

Over time it has become clear neither of the those premises were suitable for the expanding population and the surgery relocated both existing surgeries into new, purpose built modern premises in new premises : Willand Primary Care Centre, Lowfield Road, Anlaby. HU10 7JR

As part of the relocation, Swanland and Willerby premises have both closed as of May 2022

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